Friday, October 10, 2008

Winter shoot PICS!

So, my shoot started awesome and got a bit chaotic as the mommas attended the hungry babies and rotated the outfits like gears on a bicycle. A bit of crying and whining went on but, We made it through.  I got a little dehydrated and nutrient deficient but, Melanie made some sweet chicken salad and homemade rolls for me and the gang which kept me going great. ( Thanks so very much)

The second round went great at the park and so did the third round until i got about 3/4's the way through the shoot. THEN, MY SHUTTER broke( or so i thought). So, we had to quit early and i took my camera to the shop and found out that it was my mirror/ reflective plate in my camera and the final bill for getting that repaired is 250.00 OUCH for me! So, I ended with a Bad kinda bang and my camera will be out of commission until it arrives back from siberia all repaired. 
BUT, I got some AMAZINGLy adorable shots of your girls so thanks so much and i can't wait to edit all of them. 
Here's a cute Phoebe Shot! Even though your baby may have been fussy, i did get a few good shots of all your girls so don't worry!


Jen said...

Ooohh - I can't wait to see all your darling pics!! Such a talent you have!!